When it comes to your practice getting your social media sorted can be quite daunting. Creating a pathway to show your process, treatments and products should be your journey on social media.
We often get our first interactions with your business on social media.
Here are the top 3 tips to show up on social media:
For the hashtag of #physicaltherapy we have found the following the top-ranking results below:
Instagram: #physicaltherapy at 3.9 m versus #physicaltherapystudent at 77.7k
LinkedIn top two: #physicaltherapy followed by #physicaltherapylife
TikTok Ranks: #physicaltherapy is top-ranking while #physicaltherapytiktok is second.
For content you can use the ‘what’ research to include in your copy like:
“What’s physical therapy” or “physical therapy what to expect.”
Pinterest features the phrase “physical therapy student” first and “physical therapy” phrase ranks second. Pinterest also features the top users using the phrase. It’s a great opportunity to reverse engineer their content.
Want more insights? Hop on the Podcast Ep 54 What Wellness Practitioners Need to Know About Social Media
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