One of my favourite topics I would like to ignore. Visibility. If you have trouble appearing in front of the camera like I do this podcast is for you. I used to say often I was the girl behind the camera. From former LA make-up artist to social media agency owner I have always had a problem with appearing and creating my own videos.
I thought wouldn't it be a great idea to repurpose my content with one caveat and produce new videos with me explaining the content. I thought what better way to feed two birds with one scone. Is it that easy? In this podcast, we talk about the struggles with visibility and how to leverage that into repurposing your past social media content.
One of the reasons why I want to talk about this and especially why its important in New Zealand is that we are finally finding that the social media trends are starting to really catch up which is incredibly exciting, but small businesses just need a little more encouragement to use correctly. One of the benefits from lockdown is that there were so many new users in New Zealand going online and learning how to use social media to do everything from calling friends to shopping on instagram.
Our clients often have trouble with what to post on instagram, they’ve got one product or service that they’ve already posted about and what do they do now? One of the great ways to keep serving this content to your audience is repurposing content. We’re going to go behind the scenes to show you how we do this on Asana - this is free and super easy to navigate. If you like what you see or want to learn more, go onto our website and click on the Learn to Use: Social Media Systems that Work and are Shareable blog to find out more.
Okay so if we are on the Asana board, if we just click back you will see what we've done, in particular we classify our tasks by weeks and so that we know which each week what we're going to be talking about and we create a tile, we'll also slide images into the area if we are creating images for social media. So that's like the really basic easy stuff, and here in the published area we've created another little deck where we actually have every single social media piece that we've ever produced, because we recently were noticing we haven't put any up a lot of social media, we're taking care of our clients but not ourselves. So I would say about the last year or so, we've starting to build up our own content and do it consistently; we have tracked it here and we actually classify them by each month. We can scroll through and see the things that we've talked about, the topics and we can actually go in here and repurpose content.
Key points for repurposing content on Asana
How to be visible on social media
Getting that curated look and feel for your instagram account is really important but we also know what is vastly important is you in front of the camera.
I hope to see you on the next podcast and go to my social media - you can reach me on any of my social media networks and just let me know what you think. I would love to have a conversation with you and find out what you thought about this episode, until then I will see you on the next podcast!
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