We’re going to be talking about more ways we can support wellness practitioners in this blog.
Seeking out new wellness practitioners has definitely been part of my wellness journey - I have an amazing chiropractor. All these types of wellness practitioners have been amazing for me and I’ve been making it my mission to support them in social media because ultimately, we need them!
The rub is, that they are busy with so many different elements of the business, so how can they get their head around social media and show us treatment and how they do things as well as running a business? I really hope that in helping wellness practitioners we can hire them more to help our own wellness journeys.
Hashtags & Volume of Looking
On Ep 54 we talked about how you could get yourself out there and we spoke about hashtags and which ones are good to use. We want to know what you envision about how you can get people back to you following the past couple of years disruption. There are different types of what I call ‘Volume of Looking’ so there’s someone who is searching for a service in their area - a high volume of looking. The second one has been thinking about it and is in the research stage. The third one, which I love, is the one that didn’t even know they needed something till they saw it. Now for me, doing what I do, I really see them as very high priority - the human algorithm is not very predictable, someone who didn’t know they needed it might bite first ahead of someone who is. It all really comes down to content, how engaging and compelling it is. If its really compelling then that’s the place where hopefully all of us will go and be able to produce content that is compelling.
Where to produce compelling content on Social Media Platforms
What I want to talk about is where we can produce compelling content, and what I want to talk about first is TikTok. TikTok is killing it with a lot of chiropractors that are on there - if you search for them on there, you’ll be able to see the top vetted chiros and what they are doing on there and how attainable it is. To produce content every week its good to start off small and it is easy to fit into the practice of it and then you build up slowly and three months in when you have a great story to share so if you’ve just done a certain treatment, you’ll be able to jump right onto TikTok and share that story because of how natural it now feels.
I would say try to do this in your down-time at night so its not as stressful. Look up key words that you think your potential patient would type in to search. Not all platforms are ruled by the same algorithm which is why searching really helps - make a note of what the platform is autofilling so you can see alternative hashtags to use if what you are aiming for is really oversaturated.
How to grow relationships on TikTok
If you tell people to follow you, follow them back and they’ll show up in the friend feed and grow those relationships. They’ve just rolled out something where you can repost or share a TikTok on your own channel.
Advertisements on TikTok
These aren’t static or just well produced video, what they suggest to do is to promote a post. If you have a solid engaging story about what you do, then you can boost it as a post.
Cross-platform Engagement
TikTok has so much growth potential, it is a really exciting platform. If you still need to show up on LinkedIn and Instagram for your business, you can download your videos and share, but it is great to keep the TikTok watermark on it so people can see you’re on TikTok and really relevant.
The more that you put yourself out there in front of the camera, the more your potential patients feel like they know you already and are more likely to reach out with you. This allows you to start building the relationship sooner rather than later. These are my top tips for how you can start to use TikTok for your wellness practitioner business but if you want to reach out to arrange a call via the link below or send me an email on francesca@socialglobalgrind.com.
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