Way back when I first got into sales and online businesses things were really different, we didn’t have a lot of social media and things certainly weren’t as easy to set up as they are now. One of the things I did because I love teaching was to set up my own educational programme and coaching for businesses owners where I would mentor them, really get to know them, their challenges and aspirations. Things have changed a lot since then but the main aspects of how to communicate with your audience and clients have remained the same and I’ve had a lot of learnings over my career from being a MAC makeup artist in LA to working in agencies and client-side in New Zealand; all of the learnings I’ve had I’ve applied to my new coaching launching soon…Social Collab.
Last year I got thinking about how to build more collaboration into how we do social media and how we can help our clients reach their goals – one option could be a larger coaching programme in the future, but this year what I am really excited about focussing on is that individual touch with small businesses, and creating a space where we can gather more people in the social collab community where we find people that are willing to go on their journey with us, and create a programme where you won’t get left behind; we do weekly check-ins and a bit of business coaching to help bring you on the journey.
Our most successful clients are those who are ready to let go of their idea of what social media is and are willing to experiment. This is how we can learn what works for your brand, collaborate for some great results, and convert “polite viewers” into paying customers. Our mindset matters just as much as yours does and this is absolutely not the kind of take your money and run programme, we are invested in you and your company and we want to work with you to achieve the best results. Our individual coaching calls (maybe introducing group coaching calls in the future) will enable us to take you on a step-by-step process where we can make sure that all our members are engaged and on the right track. Our clients who believe in the power of Attraction, that reciprocity piece of what you put out there comes back to you, their social media is an absolute daily practice of what the power of attraction is and they get incredible results.
What we want social collab to be like is like two friends talking about your business and then everything flowing from there with minimal effort from you. We want to really dive deep into the foundations of your business, create a solid strategy to implement and see some great results. We will have different payment options that will be available on the site as well but reach out if you have any questions. We’re really excited to see how we can help you get there and have that consistency with your content. So, welcome to Social Collab, I’m excited about it and I hope to see you soon.
If you’d like to make an appointment to book a discovery call with Francesca click the button below:
We also are very excited to introduce website support so we can actually help you with that as well and I’m going to talk more about that in a different blog but for now, we’re really excited to bring a new partner to this.
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